ABF Local Lift Campaign: Help fund hotter athletes
You already know Austin Simply Fit as your home for building strength and all things gains-related. The no-nonsense approach towards fitness has helped to create a better you. Now, a new apparel company, Always Be Flexing, aims to clothe athletes in the same back-to-basics approach that serves to help everyone look their absolute best – in or out of the gym.
Available for purchase at Austin Simply Fit locations, or online at, Always Be Flexing (ABF) needs your help! The long term goal of ABF is to create better fitting casual tops including, button-ups, jackets, blazers, and dress shirts, available off-the-rack, yet with a custom-tailored feel for athletic bodies.
Currently, we are running a fundraising campaign at By purchasing and pre-ordering ABF’s high-quality tees, tanks, and hoodies, you are contributing to the production of better-fitting casual wear for athletes everywhere!
Please visit our campaign page and select your contribution level today. We appreciate you supporting our growth, just as Austin Simply Fit has supported yours!