Athlete of the Month
SAM NEEDHAM: ASF South Athlete of the Month – June 2017

Sam Needham is a 33 year old tech professional currently focused on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. She has been training at ASF South with Beckie Lough for almost two years and has made amazing shifts toward living a healthy lifestyle she desires.
Making small changes over time, she has truly transformed her lifestyle. She always schedules her training in advance so she’s sure to get in the gym whenever she’s not traveling (and even when she doesn’t feel like it!). Recently, she’s begun a love/hate relationship with running, after signing herself and some friends up for the Color Run. She’s committed to following a balanced diet, and is more likely to be found with a Topo Chico than a tequila. This change has exponentially affected her progress — with more energy to put into her workouts and better fuel for her muscles, her strength has exploded!
Sam gave us a few minutes of her time to talk about her experience with Beckie and Austin Simply Fit. Here’s what she had to say.

What were your goals when you started at Austin Simply Fit?
Two years ago, I woke up and I said enough is enough. I was extremely unhappy with how I had let myself go for the last 10 years. No more excuses, I needed to make a change and I needed help to reach my goals. Overall I was looking to lose weight, gain lean mass, feel better physically, and feel healthy. Oh and abs. I still want abs.
What changes have you noticed in your body, mind, spirit since starting at ASF?
For starters, I lost 15 pounds, but more importantly I feel completely different. I know I’m never going to be that person that “loves the gym” but who doesn’t love looking good and feeling good. Also, the little voice inside that used to constantly tell me I should be doing something for my health has gone silent.
What challenges have you had to overcome, if any, since starting out at ASF?
Over the last year, I have faced a variety of challenges personally and professionally. However, the one story I wanted to share is when I injured my elbow. I hadn’t been training that long when I strained myself and had to get physical therapy to recover. Clearly I couldn’t push my 32 year old body the same way I remember pushing my 16 year old body. Beckie was amazing in making sure my workouts supporting my recovery, but more importantly I didn’t let this mentally get in the way of my goals.
Why do you like working out with Beckie and what keeps you coming back?
Beckie has made all the difference helping me reach my goals. She really takes the extra effort to text me and accommodate my crazy schedule. I can confidently say she has this gift to push me but in this sweet supportive way that I respond very well to. She keeps the workouts challenging, she attentive to my form, and always extremely positive.
What are your goals & plans for the future at ASF? I see myself more like the tortoise than the hare. I’m going to keep hitting the gym, drinking water, and meal prepping as constantly as I can for the rest of my life. ASF trainers are my extended support system and I’m thankful. And yes, I’m still chasing abs – summer 2018 lookout. I also started added in a more rigorous meal prep plan and running.
What is your favorite food?
Nachos, Tequila, and Ceviche by Chelsea
Any advice you’d share with a newcomer to ASF?
What worked for me is committing to a long-term plan. I told myself no matter what I would come 3x a week when I wasn’t traveling for a year. I practiced self-love and self-forgiveness especially in the beginning when I thought I should mentally be able to handle a lot more weight than I actually could. Sometimes I would have great workouts hitting PRs and sometimes success was simply showing up on time. For anyone starting out or recommitting to a plan, I would focus on staying consistent. Before you know it, it will be a year or 2 years later and you might be athlete of the month! 🙂