Athlete of the Month


ASF SOUTH: Zabin Marediya
Zabin is a rockstar! She is always open to new exercises,  and gives 100% during sessions, even when she’s tired from planning her wedding. She’s a hard worker and her jovial spirit makes her a special addition to the ASF family.





ASF CENTRAL: Connor Cunningham
Connor is being honored this month by his trainer Sierra because he comes in everyday ready to work and gives his 110% to his time in the gym, no matter what is asked of him.






ASF LEANDER: Kim Saverno
Kim always has a smile on her face even with the toughest workouts! She is a real pleasure to work with and Jen is always impressed with her drive and determination. Kim recently started stepping up her training to prepare for some trips out of the country where she will be very active. She is pretty amazing!