

In the interest of transparency, Austin Simply Fit is publishing our COVID-19 reopening procedures. The new procedures and policies are aligned with our goal to protect YOU – the Austin Simply Fit community – in compliance with CDC and State regulations and guidelines. All Austin Simply Fit trainers and clients must be in compliance to be onsite training at an Austin Simply Fit studio.

The Top Level:

  • No more than 12 people in the gym at a time.
  • Trainers will wash hands upon entering the facility and after every session.
  • Everyone must wear masks that cover their nose and mouth at all times while inside the facilities.
  • Clients should be booked every 45 minutes to allow a 15 minute cleaning period between each session and reduce overlap.
  • Facility will remain locked. Trainers will let clients in once sanitizing has been completed.
  • No use of showers will be available.
  • Towel services have been suspended. Clients are encouraged to bring their own towels and water bottles. 
  • Clients who have preexisting conditions (identified as high risk by the CDC) are strongly encouraged to train virtually or outdoors.
  • Clients will be screened for symptoms via verbal questionnaire before entering the facility.
  • Trainers will be checking clients temperature with a no touch thermometer. If a client is 100 or higher they cannot enter the facility.
  • Any clients or trainers who have tested positive for COVID-19 need clearance from a doctor (negative test). They must also remain symptom free for no less than 48 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.

 How It Works:

  1. Upon arrival, clients should park in the front lot and remain in the car
  2. The trainer will unlock the front door once the gym has been cleaned
  3. The trainer will use a touchless thermometer to check the temperature and verbally screen the client for any standard COVID-19 symptoms. 
    1. Clients with a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher will not be admitted.
    2. Clients who have taken a fever reducer within 24 hours will not be admitted.
  4. The trainer will hold the door open for the client to prevent common touch transfer points.
  5. Clients will use sanitizer at the station by the door upon entry OR wash hands in the bathroom for 20 seconds before beginning their training session
  6. All equipment used by the client will be left out until sanitization can be completed
  7. 6 feet of separation between clients and trainers should be maintained as much as possible
    1. NO hands-on cueing
    2. Trainers should program movements and intensities that don’t require spotting
    3. Trainers will load and unload barbells and cable machines, but the client needs to secure dumbbells and handles as often as possible to prevent common contact areas during handoffs
  8. Upon completion of the session, it is suggested that the client wash or sanitize their hands.
  9. The trainer will let the client out of the facility and lock the door behind them.
  10. The trainer will use the 15-minute dead time to sanitize
    1. Equipment
    2. Bathroom (if the client used)
    3. Door handles

if you have any questions, please contact your trainer or John De La Paz at