Grab a friend and try this quick partner workout!
Do each movement for :30-:45 seconds with :15-:30 second rest between. Complete the circuit 3-6 times.
Squat & Toss – Stand facing each other, one person holding a throw pillow or a medicine ball if you’re fancy. (Babies, cats and dumbbells not advised.) Squat low, then toss the pillow to your partner as you stand up. Partner catches and descends into a squat and repeats the toss.
Plank High Five – Face each other in a plank, either on hands or forearms, feet out wide. Keeping your core as tight as possible to minimize movement in your body, reach one hand up to “High Five” your partner. Alternate hands.

Static Lunge & Pass – Stand side by side. Keep one foot forward and drop the back knee toward the ground in a static lunge, front knee over front ankle. Holding a throw pillow or medicine ball, use your abs to rotate to the outside, then rotate back and pass the object to your partner. Partner rotates to the outside, then rotates back to pass. Do :30-:45 and then switch legs.

Russian Twist & Pass – Sit side by side, knees bent, feet either hovering or planted on the ground for stability. Keep your chest lifted and your lower back engaged (don’t round). Holding a pillow or medicine ball, rotate to the outside and touch the ground, then rotate and pass the object to your partner. Partner rotates to the outside, then returns to pass it back.