Athlete of the Month


This month’s athletes, Josef Wankerl and Don Weir, are longtime ASF clients. They are the reason we trainers love our jobs so much – we love our fun, funny clients who keep us laughing while they overcome challenge after challenge, year after year. Clients like Don and Josef are the heart of ASF, and we are so glad to know them! 


From Josef’s trainer, KT Stemper:

Josef has been with us at ASF for over 5 years. He is always game to try new movements and modalities, and though I think fitness comes second to his love of football, he comes in with a great attitude and occasionally some terrible jokes. He also bakes one of the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever had the pleasure of tasting.

Most recently, Josef was challenged by the development of adhesive capsulitis through his shoulder. He did a fantastic job of being patient with sessions that were often painful and tedious as we worked back into normal range of motion. Josef completed his mobility and rehab homework on his own every single day, which made a six month process last around 12-16 weeks. Through his persistence, we’ve returned to normal function and have been able to return to pressing.

We asked Josef a few questions about his training:

What do you enjoy most about training with your trainer/at ASF? I enjoy the encouragement and positivity of my trainer KT. Left on my own, I would definitely not push myself as hard. KT provides an excellent source of motivation to excel.

What have you been most proud of since you started training? Before training at ASF, I was mostly sedentary — sitting in a chair all day long behind a keyboard. Starting at ASF has nudged me to be more active, though there’s still always room for improvement there. I’m proud that I actually started moving around. It may not sound like much, but for me personally it’s a huge win.

What are you looking forward to? After a setback due to a shoulder injury, I look forward to being able to have painless full mobility again. With KT’s marvelous and dedicated help, that goal is finally on the near horizon. We have made outstanding progress together.



From Don’s trainer, Beckie Lough:

Don was one of my very first clients at ASF, way back in 2013! Over the years, he’s stayed committed to his fitness in spite of a hectic schedule as a small business owner (shout out to Stag Provisions on South Congress!). This year in particular, even with the challenges of the pandemic, he has made training a top priority. I am so proud of the way he has worked through several health challenges with an incredibly positive attitude. 

Working with Don is always fun – no matter what we’re working on, he is always ready to laugh and have a good time. Like so many of my favorite people, Don is obsessed with music. He always plays DJ for our sessions, and while his rock palate trends toward country while mine favors pop, the playlists are always fantastic. I’m looking forward to more years of strength and good times!

Here’s what Don had to say:

Training with Beckie is something I look forward to & depend upon 3 days a week. She’s made me a healthier & stronger human & who knows where I’d be without her. Not in shape, that’s for sure. Every session is different from the last & she’s always introducing new exercises to mix things up. Last but not least, we talk music all session every session & it keeps me coming back even when I start to get lazy or am lacking energy. I know there’s always a good conversation to be had around music. She’s the full package.