Athlete of the Month



This month’s athletes are all about progress. Laura Rea and Brittney Justice have seen their strength and fitness steadily increase as they continue training hard. From overcoming injury to beating strength goals, these amazing women put their best into every session, even when they don’t feel like it. With the support of their trainers, they are crushing their goals and feeling great while doing it!

ASF Central: Laura Rea

From Laura’s trainer, Niamh McWalter:

I took over Laura’s training at the start of this year and was immediately floored by her dedication to her goals. No matter how tired, how much stress she is under or how much she hates certain exercises, she will still give it 100% and I am blessed to work with her. I can’t wait to see her hit her two big goals very soon! 


Laura told us her side of the story:


What do you enjoy most about training with your trainer/at ASF?
In the past year, I’ve been lucky to have two great trainers at ASF, Nick and Niamh. They have both been instrumental in improving my health and strength. I’ve enjoyed getting stronger and closer to reaching my goals each time I train. I especially appreciate how Niamh helps me target weaknesses and changes my program once I’ve overcome them. It feels good to see the progress in the way my body moves now, knowing I can confidently lift heavier weights.

What have you been most proud of since you started training?
I’m most proud of two things – deadlifting 265 pounds for multiple reps, and my back squat form. This was achieved by being consistent, even when I’m not feeling 100%. I know Niamh will listen to how I’m feeling and adjust my program for the day accordingly. 

What are you looking forward to?
My ultimate goals are to deadlift 300 pounds and back squat 200 pounds. With Niamh’s awesome training and support, I know I’ll get there!


ASF South: Brittney Justice

From Brittney’s trainer, Vilita Cruz:

Brittney is shredding for her wedding. She is always a blast to work with – she beams pure positivity. She is ready to try everything I throw at her. I am super proud of the gains she has made and how she has shifted to a more active and healthy lifestyle overall. Recently she has joined a running club, complimenting the strength training we do here at ASF. I can see how her self confidence has risen. I know she can walk into any gym and hold her own! Brittney is a kind and thoughtful individual. I love how we manage to have a great workout session, achieving her goals while simultaneously feeling like it’s all unicorns and rainbows, because we sure try our best to be silly and have a good time!

We asked Brittney to tell us about her experience:

What do you enjoy most about working with your trainer?
Vilita is extremely motivating and pushes me to achieve my goals even when the workout is tough. On top of that, V has become one of my closest friends that I look forward to seeing every week! 

What have you been most proud of since you started training?
I grew up playing soccer until I injured both of my knees. I had double knee surgery, and doctors told me that I would have difficulty running in the future. V and I have been working over the past year to build up my knee strength, and I am so proud to say that I am back to running 5ks with no issues at all! 

What are you looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to pushing myself even further and continuing to get stronger.