Simply Fit Games 2023 Recap!
Our athletes brought it!
As expected, the athletes who participated in the 2023 Simply Fit Games went above and beyond expectations. Some had been training specifically for the event, others jumped in last minute. Every single person gave it their best, and many surprised themselves at how well they did!
This year’s participants certainly benefited from the new format of the Games. We selected six events designed to test six specific strengths, with defined rest periods so competitors can perform each challenge at their best. This rewards strength, skills and conditioning, not just overall endurance. Athletes went head-to-head in pairs, which enhanced the fun and friendly competitive vibe.
Top 3 Women
1 – Chantel Soirez
2 – Lori Glidden
3 – Alex Meyers
Top 3 Men
1 – Chris Marks
(Tie for 2nd)
2 – Joseph Plata
2 – Kent Smith
Impressive performances

The vertical jump started us off, measured by the handy jump mat from Carlos Reyes of Reyes Performance Institute. Top jumper Cole DeLaPaz rocketed up 30.6” and Chantel Soirez hopped 18.3”. Both of our max trap bar deadlifts came from the Meyers family – Alex made pulling 255 lbs three times look easy, while Jeremy led the men’s division with 350 lbs for a triple!
The medicine ball throw measures upper body power, but it also involves some knowledge of physics for maximum distance. Joseph Plata launched the med ball 20’4”, while Lori Glidden made it sail 16’4”. The flexed arm hang tested muscular endurance – Kent Smith led the men with a hold of 1:08, while Alex Meyers held on for almost 48 seconds.
The Versa Climber challenge and the AssaultBike sprint highlighted the difference between aerobic and anaerobic fitness, with overall winners Chantel and Chris Marks leading on Versa, and Joseph and Lori finishing first in the bike sprint. Even well-rounded athletes have relative strengths and weaknesses!
Thanks and see you next time!
Thank you to all who participated and made this event so much fun! Our clients mean so much to us – we love seeing you succeed. We hope you feel empowered and ready to take on the challenge again next year!
Special thanks to our friends at Blenders & Bowls for providing delicious treats, and to Carlos Reyes for his time and talent.