
Congratulations to Krista – Austin Woman Magazine Change Maker 2024

Krista Bergeron smiling in a Be The Change tankWe’re proud of owner Krista Bergeron for being named a Change Maker by Austin Woman magazine!

The Change Makers List celebrates women and femme-identifying people who are working hard to improve the Austin community. Austin Woman’s inaugural list includes more than 300 women, who come from all walks of life and are impacting Austin in diverse ways.

For her part, Krista has been making a difference in the way she chooses to run her business – prioritizing quality of life for her staff and care for her clients – and through her charitable work with the ASF Student Athlete Scholarship Fund and as a board member for the non-profit DAWA.

Krista is in excellent company in the Health & Wellness category. These incredible women are doctors, CEOs, educators and entrepreneurs. Special congratulations to Elaine Shi, Co-Founder & Co-CEO of BodySpec, the company we partner with for quarterly DEXA scans!

This is the second time Austin Woman has recognized Krista for her work in the community. In 2022, she was a finalist for the Austin Woman’s Way Business Awards. Even though she never seeks the spotlight, we love seeing her celebrated for all that she does to make Austin Simply Fit, and our community, a little bit better every day.