Athlete of the Month



Exceptional athletes Brian Massey and Andrea Rodriguez are seeing success, not only from what they are doing in the gym, but because of the healthy habits they are following throughout the week. Those healthy choices – getting enough sleep, proper nutrition, staying hydrated – contribute to overall wellbeing and also make it possible for them to push hard in their training sessions. Brian and Andrea are proof that hard work really pays off!



From Brian’s trainer, Bailee Murray:

I chose Brian as Athlete of the Month because he is very consistent with his training in the gym and his habits outside of the gym, and he is seeing his hard work pay off! He is always working on improving different areas of his health, be it sleep, diet, cycling or otherwise. He’s been training with me for almost a year and because of these qualities, he has eliminated previous pain, gotten much, much stronger and improved his cycling performance. He is the model example of the Austin Simply Fit athlete.

Brian answered some questions about his training:

What do you enjoy most about working with your trainer at ASF?
Bailee fits a lot of suffering into a 30-minute workout. I think I enjoy minute 31 the most.

What have you been most proud of since you started training?
It’s been almost a year. I like how my arms fill out my T-shirt sleeves now. But I’m most excited about my strength on my bike. I’ve got another gear when I hit a hill.

What are you looking forward to?
Minute 31, three times a week for another year.

I’ve got a 7-day bike tour in July through the mountains of Washington state. I expect to kill it cranking up those mountain roads now that I’m Bailee-ized.

ATHLETE OF THE MONTH: Andrea Rodriguez

From Andrea’s trainer, Matt Webb:

I chose Andrea because she is a model client. She always arrives 15 minutes early to intentionally warm up before our sessions, she is not afraid to push herself and try new exercises, she asks questions and she listens, and she does all the right things the times she is not at Austin Simply Fit. Since we have started in December she is down over 15 pounds and has gotten much stronger and more competent at our major movement patterns. Andrea is always on top of her game and never misses a session when she hasn’t let me know at least two weeks in advance.

Here are Andrea’s thoughts on her experience working with Matt:

What do you enjoy most about working with your trainer at ASF?
Matt is truly invested in my progress. He checks in with me and challenges me. Matt believes in my capabilities and knows my strengths better than I do! Working with him at ASF has instilled a confidence in me that keeps me showing up four times a week.

What have you been most proud of since you started training?
I can feel my body getting stronger. I can lift more and have more endurance in the gym and even in my day to day life since I started training.

What are you looking forward to?
I am looking forward to consistently showing up for myself and becoming the strongest version of myself!