Athlete of the Month



We’re celebrating Cheryl Clift and Jules Garrett this month! Cheryl and Jules have made training a priority in their lives. Both have developed real connections with their trainers, which makes their workouts fun and satisfying. Cheryl is always sure to get in extra movement outside of the gym, and Jules steps it up by competing in ASF’s big fitness events. They are in it for the long haul, through good days and bad! We are proud of them!


From Cheryl’s trainer, Dan Behnfeldt:

I chose Cheryl for Athlete of the Month because she is very passionate about longevity, and she has worked hard to create a lifestyle that supports her goals. Cheryl is very consistent with her training, and looks for opportunities to get extra work in outside of the gym. Whether she’s going to yoga classes, or going for daily walks, she has made daily movement a crucial part of her life. She is a pleasure to work with, and it’s inspiring to work with someone who makes living a healthy and active lifestyle a priority in their life.

Cheryl told us a bit about her experience:

What do you enjoy most about working with your trainer?
Dan and I have been working together for a year now. Quickest year ever! Dan is on his game and knows his stuff. I’ll admit, at the start I might have been a bit concerned about a young man knowing what to do with a menopausal woman old enough to be his mother. Those worries were quickly squashed as Dan displayed his knowledge, professionalism, and obvious experience. His genuine concern/desire for me to achieve my personal goals is a topic of discussion during our sessions regularly. I truly enjoy Dan’s company and appreciate his positive attitude.

What have you been most proud of since you’ve started training?
I am definitely most proud of my decision to return to strength training and working with a coach after an eight year break from the sport. I had been working with strength coaches at a Southern California boutique studio for over 10 years, throughout my 40s and early 50s. At a point and time my body hurt and I believed it was time to find a kinder, gentler form of movement. I did that with yoga. I’ve practiced for 9 years now, earned my 500 Hour Teacher Certification, and have been committed to all the practice has offered me both physically and mentally. However, now that I’m in my “Third Act” of life, and with all of the information I read about and listen to regarding the importance of strength training for longevity, I AM back! I truly never thought I’d see the day, but I’m enjoying every minute of it. I’m feeling stronger and more focused each and everyday.

What are you looking forward to?
I joined Austin Simply Fit with the goal to build muscle and lose body fat. At my age, even with ALL that I do and have done, that goal has proven to be a challenge. A year later and another year older, I’m doing my best to change the focus and goal more toward longevity. I’m determined to be healthy both physically and mentally until my last day. I want to travel the world, experience other cultures and cuisines, move my body, support my family, continue to learn new things, and find ways to give back for as long as I possibly can. With the guidance and support of ASF, and now Keyspan, I’m confident I’m well cared for. I AM looking forward to continuing my journey each and everyday!



From Jules’s trainer, Sianna Dicarli:

Jules has been a relentless and consistent client for our entire time working together. He consistently shows up and works hard every training session. Over our years together, we have shared so many fun training memories from Bench-A-Thon, Simply Fit Games, and just any average awesome session! Being in the gym as consistently as Jules has, it’s inevitable to have bad days, be he always works through them with a good attitude and work ethic that makes the good days that much better! I have loved seeing Jules’s love of the gym and confidence in his strength grow through our time working together. What a great client!!! 

Here’s what Jules had to say about training:

What do you enjoy most about working with your trainer?
I really enjoy that Sianna pushes me harder in the workout than I push myself and is always willing to explain to me the why behind an exercise. I also enjoy that Sianna is friendly and fun to talk to during the workout. Overall the culture of the gym is very fun and playful.

What have you been most proud of since you’ve started training?
I’m proud of the PR I got during the Bench-A-Thon and the confidence I had to participate in an event like that.

What are you looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to lifting heavy and getting stronger.