Athlete of the Month



Jack and Weston Roberts are our Student Athletes of the Month! These athletic brothers are learning about hard work and discipline at a young age, and we know it will help them immensely as they continue their athletic careers. They are getting stronger and improving at their sports, and we are so proud to have them as ASF athletes!

Here’s what Coach Daniel Taylor had to say:

I chose Jack and Weston Roberts for Co-Athletes of the Month. They are brothers and they both come in and work hard. Not only do I notice but I’ve had other trainers comment the same thing.


Jack Roberts
9th Grade at Austin High School
Splitters Select Baseball, Rising 9 Summer Ball for Austin High players

Here’s what Jack told us about his experience:

In what ways has your athletic performance or physique improved? Lifting has improved my hitting in baseball. I can hit harder than before and have a lot more muscle mass.

What keeps you motivated to continue strength training? Honestly, it’s fun. I like going to the gym and getting stronger.

What have you learned about lifting and nutrition to improve health and performance? I learned how to have good form and that form is really important. I also feel the difference when I pay close attention to good nutrition.

What are your plans for the future? Keep going to the gym. Play baseball in high school. Eventually go to college.


Weston Roberts
7th Grade at O Henry Middle School
Baseball, Basketball, Football

Weston answered a few questions about training at ASF:

In what ways has your athletic performance or physique improved? I noticed my physique has changed and that I have a lot more muscle than I did before I started lifting. I can hit the baseball farther and harder since I started at the gym.

What keeps you motivated to continue strength training? I know that going to the gym is good for me and will keep me healthy for a long time.

What have you learned about lifting and nutrition to improve health and performance? I realize that form is really important when lifting and that good nutrition makes a difference in what I can do in the gym and in baseball.

What are your plans for the future? I plan on playing middle school basketball and getting into Select baseball. Someday, I want to go to college.


Learn more about the Athletic Development and Performance program.

If you know a student athlete who could benefit from training under Coach Daniel Taylor or Coach Sierra Nevels, send them our way! Click here to book a free consultation and structural balance assessment!