Athlete of the Month


Client Highlight Meredith Alderson knows just how good it feels to be strong! She has been embracing a healthy lifestyle and is charging into the New Year with a mission to continue growing. We’re proud of you, Meredith!

ATHLETE OF THE MONTH: Meredith Alderson

From Meredith’s trainer, Victoria Legg:

Client Highlight Meredith and her trainer, Victoria

I chose Meredith Alderson to be client of the month because of her determination. Meredith comes in on time for every session ready to work hard towards her goals. Nothing is getting in the way of her success here at ASF. Not only is Meredith a fast learner and a hard worker, she cleans up after herself throughout every session, leading to a more efficient and effective training session.

Here’s what Meredith told us about her training experience:


What do you enjoy most about working with your trainer at ASF? First of all – my trainer Victoria ROCKS! I love that she is holding me accountable to form and helping me to correct some bad habits before letting me add weight. It feels like we are building in a healthy way which is refreshing. I’ve been to other gyms where young trainers just load on the weight day 1 and wonder how injuries happen.Client highlight Meredith doing an incline dumbbell bench press

What have you been most proud of since you started training? I’m most proud that she’s making me get out of bed before 6 am! I love working out early and wrapping up by 7 am feels amazing. I am proud that I am starting to see changes in my body composition after just 2+ months.


What are you looking forward to? I’m looking forward to my arms being as buff as hers! I feel so healthy and strong lifting and so excited to have Victoria as my trainer into the new year to continue to build my strength.




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