
Featured Trainer: Matt Webb

Cheers to Featured Trainer Matt Webb!


We love Central featured trainer Matt Webb. He is experienced in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and other contact sports, and he approaches his own training with the passion of a competitor! With his clients he is patient and motivating, encouraging them to push past any self-imposed limitations.

Featured trainer Matt Webb on a scooter

Matt told us about his life as of late:

Tell us about a recent personal health/fitness/training success: A recent fitness goal I’m proud of has been to put on muscle mass, I’ve gained 8 pounds since the new year! I want to keep going until I’m as big as Eric!

Tell us about something you’re looking forward to: I am really looking forward to Bench-A-Thon this year! It is such a fun event for everyone, and I have a personal goal that I want to bench 300 pounds on that day. I’m having a lot of fun preparing with my coworkers and clients for it!

Here’s what ASF owner Krista Bergeron had to say about Matt:

Matt brings a level of care and patience with his client that make him a uniquely amazing coach. He wants the best for his clients and it shows. We are fortunate to have him on our team!

Featured Trainer Matt Webb with his family


Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation and structural balance assessment with Matt or another of our amazing personal trainers.